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See Quotations on a Topic

This page allows you to search for famous and infamous quotations on a variety of subjects. There are quotations from famous literary and political figures and anonymous quotations as well.

The quotes may be viewed in random order or with the newest ones at the top. If you click on one of the top two butttons without selecting a topic, you will see all the quotations in the database. Be warned, though, that there are hundreds of quotations.

You may also scroll down to do a keyword search for quotes on your favorite topic or by your favorite author.

Feel free to submit quotations of your own through the "contact" link at the top or bottom of this page. If you do so, please search first to make sure that the quote is not already in the database.

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  • Legal characters include letters, numbers, spaces, and the characters '+' and '-'
  • Search words less than 4 characters long are ignored
  • Many common words are ignored (click here for a list of ignored words).
  • A plus sign before a word means the word must be present in the results
  • A minus sign before a word means that word must NOT be present in the results
  • Example: +Jefferson -Christianity will find all entries that contain "Jefferson" but NOT "Christianity".

Thank you for visiting

  —  Bob Ray